Category Archives: Biorational TV

Pre-game Key to Post-game Profits

Pest control season for California stone fruit producers is fast approaching, and many growers and their pest control advisers (PCA) are in “pre-game planning.”  In this radio interview, we catch up with PCA Karl Warkentin

Farm Fresh Goods from Florida Fields

As another growing season in Florida begins we caught up with two very different growers planning their plant health programs, Dean Bruschi of D&D Farms and Justin Hood of Collier Pacific, each with very different needs.

There’s an Element of Reward for Growing a Premium Product

South of Fresno near Reedley, California, Wayne Brandt continues his family’s business of growing fresh-picked fruit.  Today marks his final picking of plums for the season.  As they go into the boxes, crop consultant Karl Warkentin and Valent’s Tino Lope

Your Product Has to Align with Consumer Expectations

Justin and Dean are waging the annual battle against pests. Both are checking their crops and reflecting on the importance of the BioRational Approach for their crop production