Category Archives: Target Pests

Helicoverpa Species

Helicoverpa Species


Helicoverpa armigera larva
Source: Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute,


Common Name: American Bollworm, Cotton Bollworm, Corn Earworm, Tomato Fruitworm
Latin Name: Helicoverpa armigera, Helicoverpa zea, Helicoverpa punctigera
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Noctuidae

Main Host(s): Field and row crops, e.g. cotton, corn, and fruiting vegetables such as tomato, lettuce, beans, pigeon pea, cowpea, sorghum, etc.


Life Cycle

Helicoverpa zea is known by numerous different common names including Cotton Bollworm or Corn Earworm, and many others specific to the crop on which it can be found. This damaging pest is native to North America. In Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia the species is Helicoverpa armigera. While Helicoverpa armigera is a problem in many parts of the (old) world, it is a particularly difficult pest in Australia and India, where it is the number-one pest of cotton, and in Southeast Asia, where it is the most significant pest on vegetables. Regardless, Helicoverpa species worldwide have numerous host plants.

Adult moths of Helicoverpa species are vigorous flyers moving into the colder regions in the summer. The number of generations can vary from 1-2 in the colder regions and up to 7 in warmer climates. They hone in on the best host plant (be it an agricultural crop or weedy plant, depending on the part of the season) for egg laying and larval feeding. Eggs are laid singly and hatch in 3-4 days.

Larvae of Helicoverpa species can have from 5-6 instars or up to 7-8 depending on environmental/host conditions. They have a tendency to feed and bore preferentially into a crop’s flowering or fruiting structures or into clusters of leaves (as in lettuce).


Impact & Damage


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The larvae feeding behavior of boring into plant structures makes Helicoverpa pests very destructive. For example, one larvae in a corn ear render it unmarketable. Infestations of flower buds of cotton (squares) will also have a great impact on yield. This feeding behavior is also challenging for many insecticides to provide optimal control.

Recommended Control

Pheromone traps are available for monitoring adult Helicoverpa pest populations in high value vegetable crops. Helicoverpa species have developed resistance to several insecticides, such as pyrethroids and insect growth regulators. For this reason, a program using DiPel® (and/or XenTari®) is an important means to control these destructive pests.

References & Sources:

European Grapevine Moth

European Grapevine Moth

European Grapevine Moth larva
Source: Jack K. Clark, University of California IPM Statewide Program


Common Name: European Grapevine Moth (EGVM)
Latin Name: Lobesia botrana
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Tortricidae

Main Host(s): Preferred host is grape, but occurs on kiwi, raspberry, apple, pomegranate and wild hosts such as Virginia creeper, etc.

Life Cycle

Long an important pest in grape production throughout Europe, European grapevine moth (EGVM) (Lobesia botrana) made its way into Chile and the premium wine grape areas of California for the first time in 2009, causing great concern. In Europe, EGVM can be found together with another grape berry moth, i.e. Eupocilia (Clysia) ambiguella.

There are generally two to four generations of EGVM per year. The first generation occurs between early April and mid-May in the U.S. The second (adult moth flight) appears in mid-June to late July, and the third and most critical generation appears in late August until late September.

The female lays single eggs 2-3 at a time on flower buds and fruiting structures. When the eggs develop, the black head of the developing larvae can be seen through the translucent egg covering (blackhead stage). The eggs hatch in 3-10 days depending on temperature. The final larval generation pupates for overwintering in the soil or under bark.

Impact & Damage

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The first larval generation of EGVM is usually of no concern as feeding occurs on flower buds. Damage by the second larval generation feeding on small berries can become economically impactful, but the third generation larvae cause the greatest damage. This generation feeds on berries after veraison, exposing berries and clusters to bunch rot (Botrytis cinerea) and other secondary fungi.


Recommended Control

Monitoring for EGVM eggs in the vineyard should begin immediately after moths are observed in sex pheromone monitoring traps. Beneficial insect predators and parasites can play a significant role in first generation EGVM control. Despite the threat from later larval generations, growers have learned that through careful scouting and judicious application of the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticide DiPel®, the pest’s potentially serious damage could be limited. All generations can be controlled using DiPel alone or in tank mix or rotation with chemical insecticides. DiPel can also be used with pheromone dispensers used in mating disruption programs. DiPel application should occur when the majority of the eggs are at the blackhead stage with a second application 7-10 days after the first, if necessary.

References & Sources: